• Bistrița, Drumul Cetății street, no. 19, Bistrița-Năsăud county

NA2XSY 3.6/6; 6/10; 12/20; 18/30 kV

Cabluri de energie de medie tensiune, cu izolatie din polietilena reticulata si manta de PVC, pentru tensiuni nominale Uo/U = 3,6/6; 6/10; 12/20; 18/30 kV

Product description

1 Compacted aluminum conductor, class 2, according to SR EN 60228.
2 Extruded semiconductor screen.
3 XLPE insulation
4 Extruded semiconductor screen
5 Banda semiconductoare (optional)
6 Ecran din sârma de cupru
7 Copper tape
8 Strat separator
9 Manta exterioara de PVC

Cablurile sunt destinate pentru distributia energiei electrice în instalatii fixe, în interior, exterior si îngropat

Standard reference: IEC 60502-2
Product standard: SF 2 IPROEB
Rated voltage:

Uo/U(Um) = 3,6/6 (7,2) kV
Uo/U(Um) = 6/10 (12) kV
Uo/U(Um) = 12/20 (24) kV
Uo/U(Um) = 18/30 (36) kV

Minimum installation temperature of the cable: -5 °C (masurata pe manta)
Maximum allowable temperature on the conductor

– during normal operation: +90 °C
– during short circuit (max. 5 s): 250 °C

Maximum temperature on the conductor under overload conditions:    +130 °C, 8 hours consecutively, but not more than 125 hours/year
Tensiunea de încercare (50Hz, 5 min)

12,5 kV, for the rated voltage 3,6/6 kV
21 kV, for the rated voltage 6/10 kV
42 kV, for the rated voltage 12/20 kV
63 kV, for the rated voltage 18/30 kV

Partial discharge level: max. 2 pC
Minimum bending radius during installation: 15 x exterior diameter
The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2

+ Construction

1 Compacted aluminum conductor, class 2, according to SR EN 60228.
2 Extruded semiconductor screen.
3 XLPE insulation
4 Extruded semiconductor screen
5 Banda semiconductoare (optional)
6 Ecran din sârma de cupru
7 Copper tape
8 Strat separator
9 Manta exterioara de PVC

+ Field of use

Cablurile sunt destinate pentru distributia energiei electrice în instalatii fixe, în interior, exterior si îngropat

+ Technical data

Standard reference: IEC 60502-2
Product standard: SF 2 IPROEB
Rated voltage:

Uo/U(Um) = 3,6/6 (7,2) kV
Uo/U(Um) = 6/10 (12) kV
Uo/U(Um) = 12/20 (24) kV
Uo/U(Um) = 18/30 (36) kV

Minimum installation temperature of the cable: -5 °C (masurata pe manta)
Maximum allowable temperature on the conductor

– during normal operation: +90 °C
– during short circuit (max. 5 s): 250 °C

Maximum temperature on the conductor under overload conditions:    +130 °C, 8 hours consecutively, but not more than 125 hours/year
Tensiunea de încercare (50Hz, 5 min)

12,5 kV, for the rated voltage 3,6/6 kV
21 kV, for the rated voltage 6/10 kV
42 kV, for the rated voltage 12/20 kV
63 kV, for the rated voltage 18/30 kV

Partial discharge level: max. 2 pC
Minimum bending radius during installation: 15 x exterior diameter
The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2
