• Bistrița, Drumul Cetății street, no. 19, Bistrița-Năsăud county

H05V-K (MYf)

Flexible conductors with PVC insulation for indoor electrical installations

Product description

1 Class 5 flexible copper conductor, according to SR EN 60228
2 PVC insulation

In electrical installations, in visible or buried pipes for signaling or control circuits.

Product standard: SR EN 50525-2-31
Nominal tension: Uo/U=300/500 V
Minimum ambient temperature:
– during assembly: +5 °C
– in operation: -30 °C
Maximum temperature allowed on the conductor under normal operating conditions: +70 °C
Test voltage:
2 kV, 50 Hz, 15 min, in the water
Insulated conductors are flame retardant delayed according to SR EN 60332-1-2
