• Bistrița, Drumul Cetății street, no. 19, Bistrița-Năsăud county


Cabluri de energie cu izolatie si manta de PVC, ecranate cu banda de cupru, pentru tensiunea nominala Uo/U =3,6/6 kV

The specified products and their possible acceptable variants described in the INSEMEX Notice also comply with the specified requirements regarding the prevention of explosion hazards: SR EN ISO/ IEC 80079-34:2020, SR EN 60079-14:2014/AC:2016.

Cables with fire retardant propagation delay are intended for use in fixed electrical installations in zone 1 and zone 2 (group II G – flammable gases, vapors, mists), in compliance with the design, execution, installation and operation conditions for electrical installations in the zone with explosion hazard given by the manufacturer and in accordance with the requirements of SR EN 60079-14. 

Product description

1 Conductor de cupru sau aluminiu clasa clasa 2, conform SR EN 60228
2 PVC insulation
3 Common coating
4 Banda semiconductoare
5 Ecran din banda de cupru
6 Manta interioara de PVC
7 Armatura de benzi de otel zincate (Abz) sau nezincate (Ab)
8 Manta exterioara de PVC

Cables are used for the distribution of electricity in fixed electrical installations.

Standard reference: IEC 60502-2
Product standard: SF 26 IPROEB
Rated voltage: Uo/U(Um) = 3,6/6 ( 7,2) kV
Rezistenta electrica a ecranului la 20 °C: maxim 3,08 Ω/km
Minimum temperature of the cable (measured on the sheath):

– at assembly : +5 °C
– during exploitation: -33 °C

Temperatura maxima a conductorului în exploatare normala:  +70 °C
Temperatura maxima a conductorului în regim de scurtcircuit:  +160 °C maxim 5 s
Test voltage: 12.5 kVc.a., 50 Hz, 5 min
The minimum radius of curvature when posing: 15 x outer diameter
Meaning of conductor symbols:

ru – single-wire round conductor (class 1)
rm – multi-wired round conductor (class 2)
sm – multi-core sector conductor (class 2)

The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2
Cables which have F la sfarsitul simbolului sunt cu intarziere marita la propagarea flacarii conform SR EN 60332-3-24

+ Construction

1 Conductor de cupru sau aluminiu clasa clasa 2, conform SR EN 60228
2 PVC insulation
3 Common coating
4 Banda semiconductoare
5 Ecran din banda de cupru
6 Manta interioara de PVC
7 Armatura de benzi de otel zincate (Abz) sau nezincate (Ab)
8 Manta exterioara de PVC

+ Field of use

Cables are used for the distribution of electricity in fixed electrical installations.

+ Technical data

Standard reference: IEC 60502-2
Product standard: SF 26 IPROEB
Rated voltage: Uo/U(Um) = 3,6/6 ( 7,2) kV
Rezistenta electrica a ecranului la 20 °C: maxim 3,08 Ω/km
Minimum temperature of the cable (measured on the sheath):

– at assembly : +5 °C
– during exploitation: -33 °C

Temperatura maxima a conductorului în exploatare normala:  +70 °C
Temperatura maxima a conductorului în regim de scurtcircuit:  +160 °C maxim 5 s
Test voltage: 12.5 kVc.a., 50 Hz, 5 min
The minimum radius of curvature when posing: 15 x outer diameter
Meaning of conductor symbols:

ru – single-wire round conductor (class 1)
rm – multi-wired round conductor (class 2)
sm – multi-core sector conductor (class 2)

The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2
Cables which have F la sfarsitul simbolului sunt cu intarziere marita la propagarea flacarii conform SR EN 60332-3-24
