Product description
1 Class 1 or class 2 copper conductor, according to SR EN 60228
2 PVC insulation
3 Common coating
4 Copper strip screen
5 Inner PVC sheath
6 Reinforcement of galvanized (Abz) or ungalvanized (Ab) steel strips
7 PVC outer sheath
Cables are used for the distribution of electricity in fixed electrical installations.
Product standard: SF 155 IPROEB
Standard reference: SR CEI 60502-1
Rated voltage: Uo/U(Um) = 1,8/3 (3,6) kV
Minimum temperature of the cable (measured on the sheath):
– at assembly : +5 °C
– during exploitation: -33 °C
The maximum temperature of the conductor under normal operating conditions: +70 °C
Test voltage: 6,5 kV ; 50 Hz, 5 min
Minimum bending radius during installation: 15 x exterior diameter
Meaning of conductor symbols:
ru – single-wire round conductor (class 1)
rm – multi-wired round conductor (class 2)
sm – multi-core sector conductor (class 2)
The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2
Cables with F at the end of the symbol have an increased flame propagation delay, according to SR EN 60332-3-24
- + Construction
1 Class 1 or class 2 copper conductor, according to SR EN 60228
2 PVC insulation
3 Common coating
4 Copper strip screen
5 Inner PVC sheath
6 Reinforcement of galvanized (Abz) or ungalvanized (Ab) steel strips
7 PVC outer sheath- + Field of use
Cables are used for the distribution of electricity in fixed electrical installations.
- + Technical data
Product standard: SF 155 IPROEB
Standard reference: SR CEI 60502-1
Rated voltage: Uo/U(Um) = 1,8/3 (3,6) kV
Minimum temperature of the cable (measured on the sheath):– at assembly : +5 °C
– during exploitation: -33 °CThe maximum temperature of the conductor under normal operating conditions: +70 °C
Test voltage: 6,5 kV ; 50 Hz, 5 min
Minimum bending radius during installation: 15 x exterior diameter
Meaning of conductor symbols:ru – single-wire round conductor (class 1)
rm – multi-wired round conductor (class 2)
sm – multi-core sector conductor (class 2)The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2
Cables with F at the end of the symbol have an increased flame propagation delay, according to SR EN 60332-3-24