• Bistrița, Drumul Cetății street, no. 19, Bistrița-Năsăud county

CS2XY, CS2XY-F, CS2XAb(z)Y, CS2XAb(z)Y-F, CS2XEY, CS2XEY-F, CS2XEcY, CS2XEcY-F, CS2XEAb(z)Y, CS2XEAb(z)Y-F, CS2XEcAb(z)Y, CS2XEcAb(z)Y-F

Signaling cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation and PVC sheath

Product description

1 Conductor de cupru unifilar, clasa 1, conform SR EN 60228 
2 Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation
3 Separator layer 
4 Screen of Al/PET aluminum foil (E) or Cu/PET copper foil (Ec)
5 PVC separation sheath
6 Reinforcement of galvanized (Abz) or ungalvanized (Ab) steel strips
7 PVC outer sheath

The cables are intended for use in fixed electrical installations, for signaling and control

Product standard: SF 93 IPROEB 

Standard reference: SR CEI 60502-1
Rated voltage: Uo/U (Um) =0,6/1 (1,2) kV
Minimum temperature of the cable (measured on the sheath):

– at assembly : -5 °C
– during exploitation: -40 °C

Maximum temperature allowed on the conductor:

+90 °C during exploitation conditions 
+250 °C at short circuit (max. 5s)

Test voltage: 3,5 kV, 50 Hz, 5 min 
Minimum radius of curvature

10 x outer diameter of reinforced cables 
8 x outer diameter of unarmored cables

The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2
Cables which have F symbol are cables with increased flame propagation delay according to SR EN 60332-3-24.
Insulated conductor identification code: in each layer one conductor is brown and one blue, and the other conductors are the same color. On request, the conductors can be marked with numbers.
On request, cables with a different number of conductors can be produced, with flexible multifilar conductors (class 5).

+ Construction

1 Conductor de cupru unifilar, clasa 1, conform SR EN 60228 
2 Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation
3 Separator layer 
4 Screen of Al/PET aluminum foil (E) or Cu/PET copper foil (Ec)
5 PVC separation sheath
6 Reinforcement of galvanized (Abz) or ungalvanized (Ab) steel strips
7 PVC outer sheath

+ Field of use

The cables are intended for use in fixed electrical installations, for signaling and control

+ Technical data

Product standard: SF 93 IPROEB 

Standard reference: SR CEI 60502-1
Rated voltage: Uo/U (Um) =0,6/1 (1,2) kV
Minimum temperature of the cable (measured on the sheath):

– at assembly : -5 °C
– during exploitation: -40 °C

Maximum temperature allowed on the conductor:

+90 °C during exploitation conditions 
+250 °C at short circuit (max. 5s)

Test voltage: 3,5 kV, 50 Hz, 5 min 
Minimum radius of curvature

10 x outer diameter of reinforced cables 
8 x outer diameter of unarmored cables

The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2
Cables which have F symbol are cables with increased flame propagation delay according to SR EN 60332-3-24.
Insulated conductor identification code: in each layer one conductor is brown and one blue, and the other conductors are the same color. On request, the conductors can be marked with numbers.
On request, cables with a different number of conductors can be produced, with flexible multifilar conductors (class 5).
