Product description
1 Class 5 flexible copper conductor, according to SR EN 60228
2 PVC insulation
Field of use
In protected installations (in tubes, electrical equipment, lighting fixtures, etc.) up to a voltage of 1000 V a.c. or up to 750 V d.c.
Mounting under plaster, embedded in concrete or under direct sunlight is not allowed.
Technical data
Product standard: SR EN 50525-2-31
Nominal voltage: Uo/U=450/750 V
Minimum ambient temperature:
– during assembly: +5 °C
– during operation: -30 °C
Maximum allowable temperature on the conductor in normal operating conditions: +70 °C
Test voltage: 2.5 kV, 50 Hz, 15 min, in water
Insulated conductors have a flame propagation delay according to SR EN 60332-1-2