• Bistrița, Drumul Cetății street, no. 19, Bistrița-Năsăud county



CHIP public lighting junction box

Product description


The junction box for public lighting realizes the junction of the connection cables in the street lighting system and ensures the short-circuit protection of the consumers. It also allows the easy detection of faults in the network.



 the junction of the connection cables in the street lighting system
 short circuit protection of consumers
 network fault detection


Constructive characteristics:

The public lighting junction box consists of a box and an electrical part
The product is made in a metal box painted in an electrostatic field or with liquid paint, with drying in the oven, a fact that gives it a good resistance over time, to the conditions of external use. The box is also made of thermoplastic material.
The body of the box ensures the protection of the electrical equipment against the environmental conditions against the penetration of insects, rodents and the access of unauthorized persons
The single-phase supply column of the lighting fixture, provided with fuses or automatic switches, neutral bar, insulating support with 3 terminals, grounding terminal and warning signs.


Mounting and connection:

The junction boxes are mounted on the pole, usually at the base of the pole, the attachment and fixing being done with the help of collars and screws.
The cables are connected through the cable lugs and access to the box through the lower part, provided with spigots or cable glands.
Since the boxes are mounted outside, the access doors are provided with special locks to prevent access by unauthorized or ill-intentioned persons.



Technical characteristics:

Nominal usage voltage 400/230 V a.c
Nominal insulation voltage 660 V a.c
Frequency 50 Hz
Maximum usage current 100 A
Normal degree of protection IP 54


Usage conditions:

Ambient temperature -30°C...+40°C
Relative air humidity max 95% at +20°C
Maximum altitude 2000 m
Lifetime    20 years
