• Bistrița, Drumul Cetății street, no. 19, Bistrița-Năsăud county


Cabluri de energie cu izolaţie de polietilenă reticulată şi manta de PVC, cu conductor concentric (similare N2XCY, conform VDE 0276-603)

The specified products and their possible acceptable variants described in the INSEMEX Notice also comply with the specified requirements regarding the prevention of explosion hazards: SR EN ISO/ IEC 80079-34:2020, SR EN 60079-14:2014/AC:2016.

Cables with fire retardant propagation delay are intended for use in fixed electrical installations in zone 1 and zone 2 (group II G – flammable gases, vapors, mists), in compliance with the design, execution, installation and operation conditions for electrical installations in the zone with explosion hazard given by the manufacturer and in accordance with the requirements of SR EN 60079-14. 

Product description

1 Class 1 or class 2 copper conductor, according to SR EN 60228
2 Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation
3 Inner cover
4 Conductor concentric din sârme de cupru
5 Separator layer
6 Manta exterioară de PVC tip ST2, conform SR CEI 60502-1

The cables are intended for the use of electricity in fixed electrical installations.
Conductorul concentric poate fi utilizat ca şi conductor neutru (N), conductor de protecţie (PE), ca şi conductor neutru pus la pământ (PEN) sau ca ecran.

Reference standard: SR CEI 60502-1
Product standard: SF 36 IPROEB
Nominal tension: Uo/U(Um) = 0,6/1 (1,2) kV
Temperatura minimă măsurată pe manta:

– at assembly : -5 °C
– during exploitation: -40 °C

Maximum temperature allowed on the conductor:

– during normal exploitation: +90 °C
– during short circuit (max. 5 s): 250 °C

Test voltage: 4 kV, 50 Hz, 5 min
Minimum radius of curvature when screening:

15 x diametrul exterior pentru cabluri cu un conductor
12 x diametrul exterior pentru cabluri cu mai multe conductoare.

C2XCY – Flame retardant cables, according to SR EN 60332-1-2
C2XCY-F – Cables with increased flame propagation delay, according to SR EN 60332-3-24
Meaning of conductor symbols:

ru – single-wire round conductor (class 1)
rm – multi-wired round conductor (class 2)
sm – multi-wired sector conductor (class 2)

+ Construction

1 Class 1 or class 2 copper conductor, according to SR EN 60228
2 Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation
3 Inner cover
4 Conductor concentric din sârme de cupru
5 Separator layer
6 Manta exterioară de PVC tip ST2, conform SR CEI 60502-1

+ Field of use

The cables are intended for the use of electricity in fixed electrical installations.
Conductorul concentric poate fi utilizat ca şi conductor neutru (N), conductor de protecţie (PE), ca şi conductor neutru pus la pământ (PEN) sau ca ecran.

+ Technical data

Reference standard: SR CEI 60502-1
Product standard: SF 36 IPROEB
Nominal tension: Uo/U(Um) = 0,6/1 (1,2) kV
Temperatura minimă măsurată pe manta:

– at assembly : -5 °C
– during exploitation: -40 °C

Maximum temperature allowed on the conductor:

– during normal exploitation: +90 °C
– during short circuit (max. 5 s): 250 °C

Test voltage: 4 kV, 50 Hz, 5 min
Minimum radius of curvature when screening:

15 x diametrul exterior pentru cabluri cu un conductor
12 x diametrul exterior pentru cabluri cu mai multe conductoare.

C2XCY – Flame retardant cables, according to SR EN 60332-1-2
C2XCY-F – Cables with increased flame propagation delay, according to SR EN 60332-3-24
Meaning of conductor symbols:

ru – single-wire round conductor (class 1)
rm – multi-wired round conductor (class 2)
sm – multi-wired sector conductor (class 2)
