Product description
1 Conductor de faza din aluminiu unifilar (clasa 1) sau multifilar (clasa 2), conform SR EN 60228
2 PVC insulation
3 Conductor de nul din aluminiu
4 Separating layer
5 PVC outer sheath
Pentru bransamente monofazate (unde se cere prevenirea pierderilor sau furtul de energie electrica).
Product standard: SF 42 IPROEB
Rated voltage: pâna la 1000 V
Minimum temperature of the cable (measured on the sheath):
la montaj: -5°C
în exploatare: -30°C
The maximum temperature allowed on the conductor under normal operating conditions: +70°C
Test voltage: 3,5 kV ; 50 Hz, 1 min
The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2
ru– conductor unifilar
rm– conductor multifilar
Minimum radius of curvature: 8 x outer diameter
- + Construction
1 Conductor de faza din aluminiu unifilar (clasa 1) sau multifilar (clasa 2), conform SR EN 60228
2 PVC insulation
3 Conductor de nul din aluminiu
4 Separating layer
5 PVC outer sheath- + Field of use
Pentru bransamente monofazate (unde se cere prevenirea pierderilor sau furtul de energie electrica).
- + Technical data
Product standard: SF 42 IPROEB
Rated voltage: pâna la 1000 V
Minimum temperature of the cable (measured on the sheath):
la montaj: -5°C
în exploatare: -30°C
The maximum temperature allowed on the conductor under normal operating conditions: +70°C
Test voltage: 3,5 kV ; 50 Hz, 1 min
The cables are flame retarded according to SR EN 60332-1-2
ru– conductor unifilar
rm– conductor multifilar
Minimum radius of curvature: 8 x outer diameter